The Marley Natural Smoked Glass Spoon Pipe rests gently on its wide bowl as if levitating, with plenty of volume for smoke to swirl and cool as each draw is cleared. The extra wide flower bowl of the Smoked Glass Spoon Pipe allows smoke to swirl and cool within the glass before inhalation, while providing a sizeable bowl for group sessions.

“Herb Is The Unification Of Mankind”
– Bob Marley
Marley Natural™ is a premium product line crafted with awareness, authenticity, and a genuine respect for nature’s nourishing benefits. Our cannabis products and accessories are all responsibly sourced and integrity driven. Each of our offerings is a direct reflection of the Marley ethos that integrates nature’s goodness with a belief in the positive potential of herb. As agents of change, we promote positivity, connectivity, and personal transformation. And as believers in progress, we offer an exceptional lifestyle line that is inspired by Jamaica’s vibrant energy. We are proud to be the official Bob Marley cannabis brand.
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